Friday, March 8, 2013

Silly things

Can't possibly write everything that i have in my mind but to reiterate, this blog is nothing but self-serving. My thoughts are cluttering my mind and i need purging, thus my rising from the proverbial ashes of the blog world.
By no means is this meant to inform anyone of anything unless they care about my mental meandering. That being said, i think im gonna use this as an objective study of my life.
Ive started and stopped so many blogs, it's already telling. Ive been lucky to find these remnants/jewels of my past and i intend on studying them to see if i can determine the grand secret/key/purpose of my existence. Failure to find such justification will result in the obvious.
Does one need a justification to exist? Well the way my mind works, as i've recently discovered, is if it doesn't follow some sort of logic/reason, i can't successfully compute it and then i proceed to discard it. Arrogant perhaps, but i guess i am humbled in my very search for answers.

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