Thursday, November 13, 2008

I hate money

So this is the lamest thing ever. I have so much debt, I'm absolutely broke, and to top it all off, my business AmEx has been declined because the good people at my job have spent $8000 over the limit.
What's the added bonus? I'm in the middle of nowhere, massachusetts.

This means that I had to go into my pityful excuse for a checking account and *overdraw* so I could pay for gas...AND I'm staying here until tomorrow, which means I overdrew even more cash just to be safe. I think one of my worst fears is getting stranded. I can see myself actually crying...but I digress. My point is, I hate money and our sad reliance on it to function in society.

Do you know what a good life is? Does it involve having exorbitant amounts of money? Or is it feeling true and pure joy/happiness/love?

People (myself included) like to believe that money is the solution to all problems. If I had loads of money, I could pay off all my debt, quit my job and retire early, buy my girl pretty things, travel around the world and be successful in my parents eyes. This would lead to a stress-free life which would help my health and translate into living longer and enjoying life thoroughly while I'm still here. When you really think about it though, I wouldn't be in this mess if it weren't for money. If I didn't have to *pay* for school or *pay* for my car insurance or have to *pay* to purchase anything for that matter, money wouldn't even be an issue. It would become obsolete. Do you know how many trees we would save by not having money? Whatever happened to trading goods for services?

I guess an agrarian lifestyle at this point in history would be going backwards... or would it?

Food for thought. And yes, the pun was intended.

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