According to, intense is defined as:
existing or occurring in a high or extreme degree: intense heat.
acute, strong, or vehement, as sensations, feelings, or emotions: intense anger.
of an extreme kind; very great, as in strength, keenness, severity, or the like: an intense gale.
having a characteristic quality in a high degree: The intense sunlight was blinding.
strenuous or earnest, as activity, exertion, diligence, or thought: an intense life.
exhibiting a high degree of some quality or action.
having or showing great strength, strong feeling, or tension, as a person, the face, or language.
susceptible to strong emotion; emotional: an intense person.
(of color) very deep: intense red.
Synonyms : fervent, passionate, ardent, strong.
I'm internally pleased that they'd use the color red to help define intense since it is, after all, the color of aries. I'm an aries. I'm intense...especially when it comes to love.
Visually, I'd define intense as this:
This scene is quite frankly the epitome of what intense can be. Here are two women who had lived together for years experiencing pure love and madness before they decided to call it quits. Now, after being apart for so long, they share this powerfully intense moment, as they reconnect in the way they both unquestionably longed for but couldn't for whatever reason. You can see in the kiss just how much they needed that moment. Kudos to the actresses, for I truly felt the consuming passion between them. The longing; so painful that when released from it, Bette had no choice but to break down and cry. Like dying ashes suddenly bursting in flames again.
Imagine feeling that way for someone. When every cell that composes your body, heck every atom that composes your cells, screams for that one person. That's intense..
I'd write more, but I'm le tired. So enough of this lovey-dovey crap..I'm out for the night. Peace!
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